Articles and publications

5/18/2020 10 Best Family Lawyers in Fort Myers, FL
People value their rights and that is the main reason why they go to court to seek help through legal interventions and Mellany Marquez-Kelly is your only and best hope to succeed.
5/11/2020 How do you handle child custody and visitations during quarantine in Fort Myers, FL?
We understand that your child’s life and happiness are your priorities and we respectfully acknowledged that as your utmost concern.
4/27/2020 Where to File for Divorce When You Reside in the Different States?
Marquez-Kelly Family Law Attorney has the technical expertise and experience to carry out the tedious Divorce litigation that will protect your rights.
4/20/2020 What To Do When You Can't Afford Child Support Payments in Cape Coral, FL
It’s important to remember that you do have the right to request a modification in child support demands due to changed circumstances. Keep in mind that it is far better to request a child support.
3/20/2020 10 Things You Should Never Do During Divorce in Fort Myers, FL
Getting a divorce is stressful and never easy. For many, the process is long and tedious which many couples find hard, made legal complications and makes worse to worst situations.
3/20/2020 Failure to Pay Child Support: 5 Penalties for Parents in Fort Myers, FL
Child support is intended to provide for a child's basic needs, from housing to food, clothing and even extracurricular activities.
What are Your Chances of Getting Full Custody in Fort Myers, FL? 2/24/2020 What are Your Chances of Getting Full Custody in Fort Myers, FL?
Avail of the services of Marquez-Kelly Family Law Attorney to ensure that your rights are fully respected and protected. Contact 239-214-0403 now.
How Common and What Are The Reasons For Divorce? 2/24/2020 How Common and What Are The Reasons For Divorce?
If you are in Fort Myers, Florida and you want to ensure the success of your case, it is highly recommended to use the services of Marquez-Kelly Family Law Attorney. Call 239-214-0403 now.
Marquez-Kelly Family Law Attorney